Candied Orange Peel


  • 3 large oranges, organic preferably as you’re eating the peel
  • 2 cups water
  • 1 cup sugar, plus more for coating
  • 1 vanilla paste
  • Dark Chocolate


  • Quarter the oranges and peel the flesh from the skin.
  • Cut into 5mm wide strips.
  • Add the orange peel strips to a pan and cover with about an inch of water. Bring this to a boil, then drain over a colander and repeat once more.
  • Add the orange peel strips back to the pot along with 2 cups of water, 1 cup of sugar and the vanilla. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to a simmer. Simmer uncovered for about 30-35 minutes. The orange peels should be slightly translucent and most of the simple syrup will have evaporated. Turn off the heat and let the orange peel cool in the remaining sugar for 5 minutes.
  • Use tongs to remove the orange peel to a drying rack set over parchment paper. Let the orange peel dry overnight.
  • Coat the orange peel in granulated sugar
  • Dip them in chocolate and cool on baking parchment.
  • Store in an airtight container, should last a couple of weeks.